
  • Height: 42,7 cm.
  • Material: stone
  • Position:
  • Gender:
  • Indigenous name: si yuruh
  • Price realised: € 5.292,-


Koos Knol, Wormerveer; Lempertz, Brussels 31-1-2024, lot 126.


Rossel, Siebe and Arnold Wentholt (2008), Tribal Treasures in Dutch Private Collections, p. 140.


Afrika Museum, Berg en Dal, October 2008 – January 2009, ‘Van Verre Volken Thuis, Kunst in de Kamer’

Additional information

Axe blades such as these serve a ceremonial function. They belong to the heirloom of a clan and, according to the users, date from ancient times. The blades are found in a male and female variant. This example is the male type with a twill and above an oval en relief.

Photo credits

Robert Cusack, Cologne/ lempertz

Contact Arnold Wentholt

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