
  • Height:121 cm.
  • Material: wood
  • Position:
  • Gender: male
  • Indigenous name:
  • Price realised: € 352.800,-


Jacques Viot (1898-1973), acquired in situ 1929; Pierre Loeb (1897-1964), Paris; Alphonse Kann (1870-1948), Paris before 1940; through descendants in the family; Joyce and Samir Mansour (1916-1999), Paris; through descendancy; Christie’s Paris 22-6-2023, lot 8.


Wirz, Paul (1929), Bei liebenswürdigen Wilden in Neuguinea, no. 97; Greub, Suzanne (1992), Art of North West New Guinea, pp. 97, ill 65; 99, ill. 69 and 164, ill. 9.


Additional information


Photo credits

Christie’s Paris

Contact Arnold Wentholt

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