
  • Height: ? cm.
  • Material: wood
  • Position: standing
  • Gender: male
  • Indigenous name:




ref.: Bertling, C.T. (1927), ”Hampatongs’ of ‘tempatongs’ van Borneo’ in Nederlandsch-Indië Oud & Nieuw 12e jaargang: pp. 224, 227, 231, 252, fig. 4 and 5.; Mjöberg, Eric (1927), Borneo, het land der koppensnellers, 109, fig. 63.



Additional information

This type of carvings were made in the upper-Mahakam region, Bahau, Modang, Kenyah and Kayan Dayak, executed in a variety of woods. According to both writers mentioned above, these statues were in use to ward-of evil and diseases. The shield seems to be put in place upside down.


Photo credits

Photos were found in the archive of a Dutch dealer.

Contact Arnold Wentholt

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